Simply submit a business name to discover its online reputation score

Know Your Client

Benchmark a Business

Business Development

Supply Chain Management

Risk Management

Know your Client

A universal problem with any client on-boarding, client engagement or client risk management model, is how to provide for the unknown unknowns

Benchmark a Business

A business’s online reputation is the reflected image of what the connected community is saying about the business and how it compares with other businesses


All facets of a business’s performance and its online profile are linked by open source intelligence, with clear signals of when or if to engage with the business

Supply Chain Management

Information is arriving at unprecedented speed from multiple channels and mixed in the information flow are clear indicators of reliability and performance

Risk Management

Risk and counterparty engagement can be better managed by including leading reputation indicators of performance as an addition to the lagging financial indicators of performance

How is it calculated?

The scoring algorithm aggregates information from multiple online channels, then processes the information to generate a unique score that is predictive of a business’s future performance.

See an example

The output from the aggregation and scoring algorithm can be presented in various formats. The ‘example’ shown here is a limited snap shot of various ‘Cafes & Restaurants’ in post code 2000.

Customised output

ORI Score can work with its customers to design a dashboard to suit specific User requirements. It is possible to add third party data feeds to optimise the usability of the dashboard.

Scaleable costs

ORI Score is completely scaleable to suit the business and reporting needs of Small Business operators, mid size Agencies and large Corporates with a range of business line functions.

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we can customise the output for your needs.

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