ORI Score in Detail

How is the ORI Score Calculated?

A business's online reputation is the reflected image of what the connected community is saying about the business.

ORI Score pulls information from the 3 major information channels, being Websites, Review Platforms and Social Media, and gives an empirical score to each channel based on relevancy to the industry.

The scores from each of the 3 channels are combined and weighted to generate a net ORI Score. The net ORI Score is influenced by the popularity, relevance and quality of online information, with a specific time decay bias applied to the reviews to give a higher relevancy credit to the most recent reviews.

The unique ORI Score for each business within an industry category, profiles the business’s online reputation relative to its peers within that category on a scale of 0 to 100.

The ORI Score and the directional movements of the ORI Score are considered to be leading indicators of how the business may perform in the future. A good ORI Score is reflective of a good online reputation, and generally indicates that the business will most likely attract and retain customers. Conversely, a poor ORI Score is reflective of a poor online reputation, and may indicate that the business will find it more difficult to attract and retain customers.

In the world of predictive analytics, the ORI Score is unique in that it reflects what the greater community is saying about a business, long before performance is reflected in financial results.

The ORI score is unique to each business and is reflective of the business’s online profile. It is this profile that consumers, suppliers and employees interact with when they search for a business online.

A user’s interpretation of a business;s online profile dictates their willingness or otherwise to engage with that business. It is reported that over 90% of consumers and/or employees search a business’s online profile before they decide to transact or engage with that business.

Naturally, a business’s future performance is clearly dependent upon a user’s willingness to transact, or an employee’s willingness to engage. That in turn has a direct impact on future earnings.

How it Works

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Step 1

The User provides ORI Score with a detailed list of names via the ‘Upload Template’. The User will have access only to these names, but there can be multiple Users from the one organisation.


Step 2

The ‘Upload Template’ can be updated or new companies added at any time, with the amendments taking effect 10 days after uploading.


Step 3

ORI Score will then upload the names into its database, to firstly search for duplicate names to ensure that the quality of the output is optimised.

Step 4

ORI Score will then pull data from all available websites, relevant review platforms and social media feeds for those businesses not already scored.

Step 5

The scoring algorithm will firstly score the business’s website for quality, relevance and popularity and allocate it a score between 0 to 100.

Step 6

The algorithm will then aggregate the business’s review platform feeds and apply a bias based on both the platform’s popularity and the age of the reviews, then apply a score between 0 and 100.

Step 7

The algorithm will then weight the business’s likes and followers from the social media feeds to generate a social media score between 0 and 100.

Step 8

The 3 scores are combined and weighted based on relevancy to the ANSI Code. The resultant score is the unique ORI Score for that business.

Step 9

Within 10 business days of the ‘Upload Template’ being provided, all business in the template will be scored and profiled against a data bank of similar business.

Step 10

Every business that is uploaded via the ‘Upload Template’, will have its ORI Score updated once a week and the records kept for 2 years.

See an Example


Simply search for a company directly or use the category filters to target businesses within the specified category.

Businesses in search area

Results are ranked by the ORI Score for each business within the search criteria. In one quick search, it is easy to see who are the best ranked companies within the specified category and specified geograghical area.

Online profile of a searched business

Drill down to the granular level and see all the metrics and the aggregated sources of information used by the scoring algorithm.

Customised Output

Flexible Output

The output from the aggregation and scoring algorithm can be presented in various formats to suit specific User requirements.

Customised Solutions

ORI Score can work with its customers to design a particular dashboard and add or delete data feeds as required.

Easy to use

Ease of use across multiple devices, allows for quick and intuitive searches with weekly updates to all ORI Score feeds.

Scaleable Costs


1 to 5 businesses
  • Unlimited users
  • Access to ORI Score
  • 15% renewal discount
  • $10 AUD per business per month


6 to 20 businesses
  • Unlimited users
  • Access to ORI Score
  • 20% discount for renewals
  • $8.50 AUD per business per month


100+ businesses
  • Unlimited users
  • Access to ORI Score
  • Customised output
  • Telephone support
  • Account manager
  • Third party data feeds
  • Industry analysis
  • Renewal discount.

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