Can I get an ORI Score for my competitors?

Yes. Any company or business can subscribe for information that is in the public domain for any number of its competitors.

Can I challenge a particular score if I believe information is missing?

Yes. If you believe information relevant to a Business’s ORI Score is missing and you can provide the missing information to us in a manageable format, we will review your request to see if we can incorporate the information into the Business’s ORI Score. Clearly not all requests will be approved, particularly if we have difficulty accessing the information or if we believe the data source is not relevant to the Business’s peer group.

Can certain reviews be excluded if they are negative towards my business and if they impact on my Score?

No. Unfortunately we cannot be judgemental on the quality or the source of reviews that are publicly available online. If you think a review is prejudicial to a Business, then you should explore all avenues to have it removed from the source, and/or simply pursue or assist excellence with the Business to dilute out the occasional negative review.

Is there an upper limit on how many business we can subscribe to?

No. There is no upper limit for any of our subscription models. As you pass through each level, the next and subsequent Business ORI Scores will will be reflective of the pricing for the higher level i.e the more businesses you subscribe to, the lower will be the unit cost.

Under the Agency or Enterprise subscription models, can we request additional information?

Yes. There is a large amount of data available online that does not impact on the ORI Score, but such data may be useful for a User to help it secure a more complete profile of a business. ORI Score can usually access this information at low cost and incorporate it into the ORI Score dashboard. Each request will be fully explored and priced into a response.

Will the ORI Score algorithm change over the period of my subscription?

Most likely. It is reasonable to assume that the scoring algorithm will always be in a state of change due to the weightings of review platforms across various industry groups, addition of new sources of online information and the relative weightings between websites, reviews and social media. ORI Score pursues excellence with its predictive analytics software and change will always be for the better.

How often will the ORI Score be updated?

Once a Business has been uploaded into the ORI Score data management system, the ORI Score will be updated at least once every week. Even if there are no new reviews, or changes to the website or social media likes/followers, time decay will inevitably result in a change in a Business’s ORI Score. This is the nature of predictive analytics.

Will my identity as a User be secure?

Yes. We employ the highest level of security with our GeoTrust EV SSL Certificate. We are always prepared to discuss other security measures but we believe what we have is state of the art. Security is something that is always under review to ensure we are at worlds best practice.

How is the ORI Score Calculated?

The scoring algorithm will firstly score the business’s website for quality, relevance and popularity.

See an Example

The output from the aggregation and scoring algorithm can be presented in various formats.

Customised output

ORI Score can work with its customers to design a particular dashboard layout to suit specific User requirements.

Scaleable costs

Completely scaleable to suit your business needs

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