ORI Score Overview

ORI Score leverages the power of information aggregation and scoring to generate actionable intelligence
to assist with the efficient allocation of financial and operational capital.

Know your Client


Review Process

Use ORI Score in the review process to ‘Know Your Client’ before accepting their business or on-boarding them as a client.

Credit Filter

Use ORI Score as a credit filter to assist Risk Managers with processing credit applications.


Flag Businesses

Use ORI Score as a flag or an early warning system to put a Business on a credit watch list or a rollover review list if the Business is suffering from a negative reputation event.

Benchmark a Business

Under the microscope

We live in a world of hyper transparency, where a Business is always under the microscope from its various stakeholders and its performance and projections are always under review.

Nowhere to hide

All facets of business are now linked by open source intelligence and with nowhere to hide, predictive signals of performance and their impact on financial wellbeing cannot be ignored.

Intuitive comparisons

Customers, suppliers, users and employees can all contribute to the online conversation about a Business’s performance, which in turn gives an intuitive feel of a Business’s reputation.

Reputation knowledge

If reputation signals can be systemically extracted from the open source intelligence, then it is possible to quantify, compare and scale such reputation signals into reputation knowledge.

Business Development

ORI Score is a predictive information management tool that can be added into any customer relationship management system and be used across multiple business line functions.

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Focus your efforts

Use ORI Score as a Business Development filter to only invest time and effort on businesses above (or below) a pre-set ORI Score.

Monitor exposure

Use ORI Score as a metric to assist a client or a potential client with its online exposure, thereby assisting that Business with its future profit potential.

Portfolio management

Use ORI Score as a portfolio management tool to assist in the allocation of risk and operational capital across a range of industry ANSI Codes.

Supply Chain Management


Increase reliability

Use ORI Score as a filter to better understand the risks and reliability of a counter party before engaging them as a supplier of critical inventory or supplies or before extending them terms of trade.


Analytical search

An ORI Score is unique to each Business and is reflective of the Business’s online profile. It is this profile that consumers, suppliers and employees observe and interpret when they search for a business online.

Increase confidence

A party’s interpretation of a Business’s reputation dictates their willingness or otherwise to engage with that Business. ORI Score builds confidence by systemically and empirically quantifying such interpretation.

The purpose of search

It is reported that over 90% of consumers and/or employees search a Business’s online profile before they decide to engage with that Business. They are searching for the positive signals to give them confidence to transact.

Risk Management

With ORI Score, risk and counterparty engagement can be better managed by including leading reputation indicators of performance, versus the traditional sole use of lagging financial indicators of performance.

Focus your efforts

ORI Score is a unique source of information for Management and Boards to assist them to better understand and track the quality of their Business’s risk profile. Responsible management can’t report up the line and  say…. ‘we decided to ignore the online signals’.

Be better than your peers

Businesses that embrace and manage the available information relating to the risk profile of their clients, will clearly be better placed than those that don’t. Proficient use of the ORI Score predictive analytics software distinguishes a Business as a leader in Risk Management.

Use actionable intelligence

Actionable intelligence is the currency of the 21st century, and businesses that are intelligence poor or who don’t know how to use the information they have, will be disadvantaged relative to those businesses that proactively manage all available channels of information.

Try the Demo!

To see how ORI Score works, please try out the demo.


Learn More

Contact us to discuss how we can customise the ORI input or output to accomodate your needs.

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How is it calculated?

The scoring algorithm aggregates information from multiple online channels, then processes the information to generate a unique score that is predictive of a business’s future performance.

See an example

The output from the aggregation and scoring algorithm can be presented in various formats. The ‘example’ shown here is a limited snap shot of various ‘Cafes & Restaurants’ in post code 2000.

Customised output

ORI Score can work with its customers to design a dashboard to suit specific User requirements. It is possible to add third party data feeds to optimise the usability of the dashboard.

Scaleable costs

ORI Score is completely scaleable to suit the business and reporting needs of Small Business operators, mid size Agencies and large Corporates with a range of business line functions.

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